Right behind Google, the largest search engine that exists is YouTube… and arguably more powerful. It’s important that our clients have access to top-notch video campaigns. Dremana Productions has full video production capabilities and approximately 25 years of experience in the audio/visual industry. By using us, you have access to all our in-house offerings, which includes full video capabilities from storyboard/script writing to platform delivery. Our team can serve as your marketing department and use our award-winning SEO expertise to make sure your videos gain visibility, or we can work alongside your existing marketing staff to provide them whatever they need to make your video campaign a success. We provided APEL with 6 months-worth of video content, and are in the process of creating another 6-months-worth of video goodness!
Industry: Aluminum Extrusions
Project Description: Video Campaign
Provided Services: Full video production from concept to delivery (including branding, animation, 3D rendering, script writing, voiceover)
Website: APEL’s YouTube channel